Monday, March 17, 2008

Sowing SOA

Although the challenges of transitioning well-ordered systems to SOA began getting widespread attention 2-3 years ago, I'm not aware of any clear solutions at this point.

There's no good analogy since we're not just talking about software....we're also talking about processes, organizational structures, and (most intractable) the frames/models/narratives that people use to navigate.

However, here's one rough analogy....if your systems are built of Lego blocks, it's like tossing a big pile of Legos out on the floor and saying "Don't you feel empowered now that you can compose IT capabilities that are customized to your decision needs?" I suspect lots of folks will not react kindly.

Several intriguing products have appeared recently that try to address some aspects of this problem. One is IBM's QEDwiki.....another is Sprout. Check out the video on the link....governance is still basically absent, but I suspect that experiments of this kind are essential to figuring out the governance puzzle.

Perhaps most importantly, they allow non-IT folks to experiment with the composability meme.

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