Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Group Conversations: A Taxonomy

Over the weekend, I listened to a talk given by Clay Shirky about his new book "Here Comes Everybody."

As a sucker for taxonomies, I found his taxonomy of group conversations interesting:
  • Sharing - post stuff you find interesting
  • Conversations - sounded like CoPs to me...no roles/responsibilities & revolves around a shared interest
  • Collaboration - sounded like CoIs to me...roles/responsibilities & has a specific goal
  • Collective Action - focused on near-term action...roles/responsibilities are often fluid and the goal is very specific and often time-sensitive
As you move from Sharing toward Collective Action, there's an increasing level of synchronization (shades of Figure 5 of "The Implementation of Network Centric Warfare").

I liked his "every URL is a latent community" (my paraphrase)...very RESTful.

Here's a good summary.

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