Sunday, December 21, 2008

Why Social Media is Counter-Enterprise

I admit it's impossible for me to really put myself in the shoes of an engineer or manager who is grounded in traditional frameworks and processes. Having been trained traditionally (CompSci undergrad, and MBA with an emphasis in Accounting), I understand the traditional perspectives.

However, since I've spent 20+ years exploring non-traditional perspectives to knowledge creation and management, I tend to see things as much (or more) from a Complex perspective as a Complicated perspective.

So, I often find I've grossly overestimated how much someone "gets" Complex aspects of a decision space. This post by David Wilcox is a nice discussion of the challenge. Enterprises are fundamentally grounded in what David Gurteen calls World 1.0. Their structures, processes, tools, and personnel are 1.0 in virtually all their formal aspects, and in many of their informal aspects.

The challenge is not, as some have implied, to change from 1.0 to 2.0. The challenge is to recognize how 1.0 and 2.0 interact in a specific context, and act accordingly (hence the unique value of Cynefin).

These kinds of discussions always make me wonder....if Hyperconnectivity is changing things this much in its early infancy, what sort of changes will we see a decade or two from now? Will those changes be, on balance, positive? And just how plastic are individuals and organizations in weaving an ever evolving tapestry of 1.0 warp and 2.0 woof?

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