Saturday, July 5, 2008

Can Innovation be Taught?

Victor Newman has begun blogging, and has an interesting post asserting that trying to teach innovation is a cargo cult sort of reminds me of the knowing-doing gap discussion.

This reminds me of the debate about whether leadership is innate or can be taught.

For both leadership and innovation, I suspect that both innate ability/predisposition and education are required...but that some sort of "innateness" is probably the primary enabling/gating factor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've just read a relevant post in SIT's innovation blog, titled: "Can you learn how to be creative or is it just a myth?".
Check it out at
I tend to agree with you that innovation / creativity / leadership are all based on innate abilities that can be further developed. I assume that a non creative person wouldn't turn into a great inventor, but can still benefit from learning creativity methods that will enable him to genrate surprising ideas.