Monday, September 1, 2008

Why Blogging Will be Rare In Enterprise 2.0

Merlin Mann has an interesting list of criteria for “What Makes a Good Blog?” I suppose you could say his criteria don’t apply to blogging within an enterprise, but I suspect that any blog that doesn’t meet most of them won’t be widely read.

Anyway, the item that really popped out for me was “Good blogs reflect obsessions.” Within even a large enterprise, I suspect there are very few people that (a) are obsessed about a work-related topic, (b) have the time and ability to create something distinctive and engaging, and (c) are willing to actually invest the required effort.

I think I meet the obsession criterion on the topic of sensemaking and its relationship to information technologies and organizational behavior. However, since workplace blogging is on my own time, I definitely struggle with investing the required time/effort. There’s only so many minutes in a lifetime, and we all have multiple roles/responsibilities to juggle.

Even if an enterprise had a process for identifying employees with work-related obsessions and believed the ROI was good enough to justify funding their blogging, I suspect good blogs would remain rare within the enterprise…they’re rare enough even in the much wider domain of the Internet.

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